Traditional Ayurvedic Medicine uses Lemongrass Oil as a remedy for fever and relaxation. While Traditional Chinese Medicine uses Lemongrass Oil to ease stomach pains, relieve headaches, colds, and rheumatism.
Caution While Using Lemongrass Oil
Lemongrass is a non-toxic (moderate irritant) essential oil. However, if one’s is prone to skin allergy, it is best to avoid applying Lemongrass Oil directly onto the skin.
Application: Recommended dosage limit is two drops of Lemongrass Oil when contact with skin.
How to use Lemongrass Oil to Cleanse One’s Mind
Improves Mental Health
Application: Recommended dosage limit is one drop of Lemongrass Oil on a tissue and inhale.
Relieves insomnia
Application: Recommended dosage limit is two drops of Lemongrass Oil with another two drops of Lavender Oil in an electric vaporiser.
How to use Lemongrass Oil to Relieve Aches
Eases Muscle Aches
Application: Mix Lemongrass Oil, Ginger Oil, Lavandin Oil, and Carrier Oils. Rub over the aching muscles.
Soothe Indigestion
Application: Mix Lemongrass Oil, Coriander Seed Oil, Mandarin Oil, and Carrier Oils. Apply twice daily using clockwise abdominal massage.